A coleção Golden Park City foi criada para introduzir às crianças temas essenciais da nossa atualidade como a compaixão pelos animais e o despertar da consciência para um mundo sustentável. O final de cada livro acompanha uma reflexão sobre qual foi o aprendizado do livro.
The Golden Park City collection was created to introduce children to essential current themes, such as compassion for animals and the awakening to a sustainable world. The end of each book accompanies a reflection on what was learned in the book.
Ebook 1: O Início de Uma Amizade | The Beginning of a Friendship
O livro 1, O Início de Uma Amizade, conta a história da chegada de Beca na pequena cidade de Golden Park City. Uma menina diferente do que as crianças da nova escola estavam acostumadas. Ela não come animais, tem um porquinho de estimação e mora só com o pai em uma casa sustentável. Confira a história e veja como as crianças podem aprender muito com as diferenças e começar a ver o mundo de um jeito melhor!
The Golden Park City collection was created to introduce children to essential current themes, such as compassion for animals and the awakening to a sustainable world. The end of each book accompanies a reflection on what was learned in the book.
Book 1, The Beginning of a Friendship, tells the story of Beca's arrival in the small town of Golden Park City. Beca is different from the other kids at the new school. She does not eat animals, has a pet pig and lives alone with her father in a sustainable house. Check out the story and see how children can learn a lot from differences and start to see the world in a better way!
Ebook 2: Aprendendo Coisas Novas | Learning New Things
No livro 2, Aprendendo Coisas Novas, a personagem Gabriela aprende coisas novas e com isso começa a mudar seus hábitos e como ela vê o mundo. Ela aprende que podemos comer bem e de forma saudável deixando os animais fora do prato, como é ter um porquinho de estimação e viver em uma casa sustentável.
The Golden Park City collection was created to introduce children to essential current themes, such as compassion for animals and the awakening to a sustainable world. The end of each book accompanies a reflection on what was learned in the book.
In book 2, Learning New Things, the character Gabriela learns new things and starts to change her habits and the way she sees the world. She learns that we can eat well and healthy by leaving animals off the plate, as well as what it's like having a pet pig and living in a sustainable home.
Ebook 3: A Missão Secreta | The Secret Mission
O livro 3, A Missão Secreta, conta a noite cheia de aventuras vivida por Nicolas quando ele foge de casa para descobrir o que acontece em um abatedouro. A partir desse dia tudo mudou para ele; ficou muito assustado com o que viu, mas cheio de amor pela doce vaca Aurora.
The "Golden Park City" collection was created to introduce children to essential current themes, such as compassion for animals and the awakening to a sustainable world. The end of each book accompanies a reflection on what was learned in the book.
In book 3, "The Secret Mission", tells us the night full of adventures experienced by Nicolas when he runs away from home to find out what happens in a slaughterhouse. From that day on everything changes for him; he was very scared by what he saw, but full of love for the sweet cow Aurora.
Ebook 4: A Feira de Ciências | The Science Fair
O livro 4, A Feira de Ciências, conta o que acontece quando a turma da escola se une para criar um projeto científico que é bom para o planeta, animais e pessoas. Descubra como foi a feira e como impactou positivamente a pequena cidade.
The Golden Park City collection was created to introduce children to essential current themes, such as compassion for animals and the awakening to a sustainable world. The end of each book accompanies a reflection on what was learned in the book.
In book 4, The Science Fair, tells us what happens when the school class comes together to create a scientific project that is good for the planet, animals and people. Find out how the fair went and how it positively impacted the small town.
*Ao adquirir nossos produtos você apoia o resgate de vidas, educação e trabalho do Santuário Vale da Rainha, ajudando-nos a criar um mundo mais compassivo e amigável para todos os seres.
*Vale da Rainha Sanctuary sustains the purpose of rescuing and bringing awareness, by uniting compassion and consciousness. All profits go directly towards supporting our mission.